Purpose Driven Reflection

I lead because there is a beauty within each of us and among us that we all need and deserves our witness.

Why do I lead?
Why do I want to lead?

Special thanks to Darryl Campbell, Campbell Consulting Group, LLC for putting these questions before me. CSD Leadership Retreat. The Principal 50, Baruti, Kafele

Everyday, I have the chance to model compassion, love and care. Everyday, I seek to shepherd others. I do not pretend to know all or have all the answers - but I guarantee that I can get others to a new place of knowing - the world, ideas, the self. I want to stand before my community with confidence and guile to model for all that we can be great - inspirational, passionate, thoughtful, and loving. That we can be open to learning, new experiences, wonderment, beauty, joy, sorrow, filled with spirit and glory. That there is beauty all around us and within us, and our primary task is to let it shine and bring that out in all those around us. To be human. To be our best self. I want to lead because it has become apparent to me through feedback and self-reflection that this is part of my purpose. My calling in this lifetime.


J Jacques Credi said…
I made this graphic https://magic.piktochart.com/output/15071459-got-purpose to keep me grounded in my purpose... check it out! It features Edison doing a yoga Tiger. Nothing else expresses the raw joy and passion for life as a preschooler totally engaged in mind, body and spirit.

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