
Showing posts from 2016

Learning to Shine Light Into the Shadows of Our Greatest Insecurities

I arrived thinking about how to recognize when to bravely call out excuses we, as educators, often make about students. They are not ill intentioned... they are just programed into our social constructs. I'm reminded of the conflict with the Black Lives Matter movement and have appreciated the illuminations that have illustrated the need to recognize the inequities in our society - it's not that All Lives Don't Matter; it's just that we need to look deeper inside to understand how history has marginalized minorities. And do something about it. I've grown as a result of this introspection and now carry the duty to help others grow in their own way to boldly look into the shadows of their own hearts to confront their own biases. I was thinking about teacher attitudes, personality and teacher talk and then... BAM! I was introduced to Principal Kafele's idea of the Attitude Gap . Kafele challenges us to create a foundation in our school cultures where the adults bel

A Fitting Close to the 1st Week of School

A Colleague shared this story to close out our first week back to school: A priest working in a small village decided to have a contest for the children. He put fruit and candies in a basket across a field and challenged the children to a race. The first one to the basket would get all the treats. When he said "go" he was surprised to see the children run hand in hand to the basket. When he asked them why they did that when one of them could have all the treats, they replied that they didn't want to leave anyone out.  This first week back is like that concept - let's walk hand in hand to carry all of us towards our goal of guiding children to discover their innate beauty and abilities and lead them to learn and grow in positive ways. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.  We have a lot to do in school to support students and families. Go forth and seek the good in our world!

Facilitating Staff Reflection

Monday we used a Microlab Protocol and borrowed these questions from SRI: (we moved the 3rd question in #3 to #4). Teachers sat in quads to think then take turns talking. They appreciated the think time, dedicated speaking time and how they were compelled to participate (no opt out). They also remarked that this was something good to think about a talk about - not your typical first day back in pre-planning. Later in the morning we asked teachers to reflect on their "purpose", draft a pithy purpose statement and create a matching visual.

Got Purpose?

I made this graphic to keep me grounded in my purpose...  check it out! It features Edison doing a yoga Tiger. Nothing  else expresses the raw joy and passion for life as a  preschooler totally engaged in mind, body and spirit.

Non Complementary Behavior: Flip the Script (NPR)

Conflict. It is inevitable. How we respond in moments of conflict can be very powerful. I heard this story on NPR  and was compelled to examine how I live my beliefs about learning and leading in light of non complementary behavior. Flipping the script requires us to avoid mirroring someone else's anger, hatred or frustration in contentious situations. Word choice is important, but so are mannerisms, posture, tone and facial expressions. Often times in leading I encounter very upset individuals. They might not necessarily be mad at me, but they have something to get off their chest. They need to be heard. They need to vent. Acknowledgement and empathy are important. Beyond that Cognitive Coaching kicks in to empower others to see themselves through to resolution, next steps or reasonable actions in light of the current frustration. Being a leader means being a human who has developed a wide repertoire of pro-active and responsive skills for interpersonal management. We cannot expe

Purpose Driven Reflection

I lead because there is a beauty within each of us and among us that we all need and deserves our witness. Why do I lead? Why do I want to lead? Special thanks to Darryl Campbell, Campbell Consulting Group, LLC for putting these questions before me. CSD Leadership Retreat. The Principal 50 , Baruti, Kafele Everyday, I have the chance to model compassion, love and care. Everyday, I seek to shepherd others. I do not pretend to know all or have all the answers - but I guarantee that I can get others to a new place of knowing - the world, ideas, the self. I want to stand before my community with confidence and guile to model for all that we can be great - inspirational, passionate, thoughtful, and loving. That we can be open to learning, new experiences, wonderment, beauty, joy, sorrow, filled with spirit and glory. That there is beauty all around us and within us, and our primary task is to let it shine and bring that out in all those around us. To be human. To be our best self. I

Responsive Facilitation

Participant: So you guys been doing this for a while? You just go around to schools and teach teachers? Facilitator: Well, actually, we've never done anything like this before. Usually, it's in the can, but we are really trying to be responsive to what we see and hear you need. We are customizing each days' agenda based on that. Participant: Really?! We can tell. This has been awesome. You two are amazing! Gallery Walk Set Up (with technology) Participants engaged in Gallery Walk

Team work boosts student learning and professional community By Thomas M. Van Soelen

I really appreciate the evidence of commitment, thoroughness and collaboration demonstrated in this group's effort.

Improve Learning Through Assessment

The research indicates that improving learning through assessment depends on 5 deceptively simple, key factors: Providing effective feedback to students Active involvement of students in their own learning Adjusting teaching to take account of assessment results Recognizing how assessment influences your students’ motivation and self-esteem Students are able to self-assess (Assessment in Education, 1998)

To ponder

We are supposed to be getting trained for society but are taught as if each one of us were going to live a life of contemplation in a solitary cell. ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Pass Life Through

There are those of us who pass through life, and there are those of us who life passes through.  Been meaning to write this one down...